The Monaco Grand Prix

The History of the Grand Prix:

Each year, the Monaco Grand Prix stands out as one of the most prestigious and eagerly awaited events on the Formula 1 calendar. Raced on the streets of the Principality of Monaco, this event has combined glamour and tradition for 95 years now! The Grand Prix was created in 1929 by Antony Noghès, and the first edition took place that year. Due to its prestige and history, the Monaco Grand Prix attracts thousands of spectators annually, although the exact number varies from year to year due to the limited capacity of the stands and viewing areas. This event showcases historic racing cars and offers motorsport enthusiasts the chance to relive the great moments in racing history.

Regarding the Monaco ePrix, which is a Formula E race, it has been held annually on the streets of Monaco since 2015, highlighting electric car racing.

The Features of the Monaco Grand Prix:

The Monaco circuit is famous for its tight corners and iconic sections such as the Grand Hotel hairpin, the tunnel, and the harbor chicane. This course transforms the streets usually frequented by residents and tourists into a competitive arena for drivers, who are put to the test once a year.

An Impressive Logistical Organization:

Preparations for this race weekend require impressive logistical organization with the installation of safety barriers and temporary stands, significantly impacting the daily lives of Monégasques for a long time.

Even though the Monaco Grand Prix lasts only a few days each year, the Automobile Club of Monaco demonstrates remarkable efficiency in transforming a city into an incredible circuit in just five weeks. Every year, this spectacular transformation takes place, and the circuit is ready to welcome drivers and spectators in a precise time frame. From setting up the facilities to last-minute adjustments, each step is orchestrated with great precision to ensure the race's success.

It's not just the setup that's impressive but also the rapid dismantling; after the race, the streets of the Principality return to their usual appearance almost like magic! This ability to transform a city into a temporary racing circuit and restore it to its original state in such a short time is a testament to the remarkable expertise and efficiency of the Automobile Club of Monaco. During the Monaco Grand Prix, major roads in the Principality are closed from morning to evening, which significantly impacts daily life in Monaco. The usually bustling streets are transformed into an iconic race circuit, and normal traffic is diverted to allow drivers to compete at dizzying speeds on the narrow streets of the Principality. 

This closure of key roads leads to significant disruptions for residents, workers, and visitors to Monaco. Travel becomes more difficult, journey times are extended, and some businesses may see their attendance affected during this period. Despite these temporary disruptions, the inhabitants of Monaco and motorsport fans recognize that the Grand Prix truly adds value to the history of Monaco.

Where Are the Cars?

During the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, the various categories of racing cars will be stationed in specific areas around the Principality. Traditionally, the Formula 1 cars will be located in the Grand Prix pit lane, where teams work on their cars and prepare for qualifying sessions and the race.

As for the Formula 2 cars, they will be parked in the fishermen's parking lot, a dedicated location that provides enough space for the teams and vehicles of this series. The Formula 3 cars will be housed in the Monte Carlo Country Club parking lot, offering an elegant setting for these racing machines. Concerning the Porsche Cup, the cars will be stationed in the Monaco marquee, where the teams and drivers of this series can prepare and focus before their races.

Where to Watch the Grand Prix?

Regarding the favorite stands for spectators at the Monaco Grand Prix, they vary according to individual preferences, budget, and the desired view of the track. However, some stands are generally considered to offer spectacular views of the Monaco circuit.

  • Stand K: Located at the most famous corner of the circuit, Stand K offers a close-up view of the swimming pool chicane, where cars brake sharply before picking up speed again.

  • Stand T: This stand is ideally placed to see the cars brake and negotiate the corner.

  • Stand O: Offering a view of the tunnel exit, the swimming pool chicane, and part of the harbor.

  • Stand L: Located near the swimming pool, this stand provides an impressive view of the cars as they speed through this section of the circuit.

  • Stand B: Positioned near the Sainte-Dévote corner, the first curve of the circuit, this stand allows spectators to see the cars brake sharply before entering the climb towards the Casino.